Midweek thoughts on Samhain and Governance

Saw 2 butterflies cavorting through the air yesterday. Outside now, fireworks pop in the dark, but it’s still not cold. More like early September in old weathers. Ha, “in old weathers”, a new phrase to track progress like “in old money” and “in olden times”. Myths but not memories.

Abundantly mixed energies this week, with the long stretch of a fresh illness finally catching up with me after going out for local drinks on Friday. Bad sleep, usually of my own making, on top of that. And today a pulled shoulder.

But blessings too. A small piece of work has come together nicely, and I have my head round CSS flexbox just that little more tightly, like a comfortable scarf. I dealt with a few last minute unexpecteds quickly and easily, which is often the bit I try to avoid most but also enjoy the most. Further work this week is lined up, after a trip up to London tomorrow for a conference.

I haven’t been to a conference in years, and I’ve ironed off a new shirt and hoping my ill doesn’t get too much in the way of enjoying the day, a day all about Governance. I’m going with my Writing Our Legacy hat on, but this is a field I’m rapidly wanting to get into more, philosophically and practically.

I enjoy governance, I’ve decided – or, more realistically, I’ve come to realise that I enjoy it. Governance comes down to goal-setting, decision-making, transparency and feedback loops, all tucked into a package of collaboration. The word itself doesn’t lend itself to me easily though, but then I realise I’ve been effectively doing governance for over a decade though. Decisions, oversight, correction, collaboration. Got a team? Want it to do well? Governance is where it’s at.

For me, governance ties in with my personal field of software systems. I’ve used the recent point of Samhain to take stock of where I am, and write up fresh thoughts. You can find them on my “now” page.