Daynotes 2023-04-27

Black and white photo of dark ground under gloomy sky. A few large rocks are laid flat in a line along the ground, showing the edge of Arbor Low stone circle. A few more rocks are positioned in the middle of the ground.

Schools on strike today, appreciate the slightly slower start, but carefully trying to balance the emotions of everyday disruption with the flailing state of the country in my head/heart. Is it a coincidence that both ‘head’ and ‘heart’ start with the same 3 letters?


  • A great meeting/chat with – not often I get to ramble haphazardly about all the thoughts in my head with people actually listening and strangely interested. Not sure we got much focus but it was good fun, and we’ll see if we can get something out of it.
  • Got the deployment of some work for client on to an updated staging server, and sent out for feedback. Some small comments back – should be fine, but just need to balance a few threads going on, and make sure I’m not deciding other people’s priorities for them based on my own judgement. I’ll aim to "check my technicals" today for feeding into prioritisation, shouldn’t take more than a few minutes now I know my way around the plug-in and code being used.
  • Picked up a different project for a different client again which has been sitting around for a few weeks due to holiday and other work. Started to dig even more into the IA, and the legacy framework, and pretty confident around the possible routes here now, I think. Development on it is definitely getting easier and faster.
  • An old Uni friend popped into my Discord server, which was lovely. There are usually 3 of us chatting irregularly in there, as a bit of a relaxed WFH distraction.
  • Managed to acquire food and children successfully. A lot of context switching from lunch onwards, and was mentally phasing out by 8.30pm.
  • Started writing daynotes!
  • Stayed off coffee and alcohol! Been trying this a bit more recently, but never in the same day. I think coffee does send me to sleep though.


  • Going to try to carry on with the legacy code again now that I’m back in there.
  • But also check over feasibility of making changes after yesterday’s feedback – bit torn on whether to do that first, but it probably make sense to get it out of the way.
  • Going to see if I can help out on parental duties with the kids off, even if it’s just hanging out a bit with son 1 while he mooches around at home.
  • Got a Board Meeting for Writing Our Legacy early evening. I think I’ll be tired again after that, so no badminton for me this evening. Got a longish drive tomorrow anyway, so early bedtime would be good.


  • Delivered first round of development.
  • Small tweaks around legacy code project.
  • Explained and expanded out larger-scope, longer-term thinking, probably for the first time with someone else.

Photo of Arbor Low stone circle, visited recently on holiday:

Black and white photo of dark ground under gloomy sky. A few large rocks are laid flat in a line along the ground, showing the edge of Arbor Low stone circle. A few more rocks are positioned in the middle of the ground.