Daynotes 2023-04-26

Inspired by Justin Pickard’s thoughts tying old ships’ binnacles to modern (b)logging, thought I’d try a kind of daily sketch-form approach to keep track of my own progress and journey.

Vague structure taking its lead from what I’ve been using in paper form for over a year now:

Photo of my week planner diary with left page showing dates and a todo list for each day, and right page showing things I've been happy about.

Left side: things happening and tasks to do. Right side: Things I’ve appreciated or that have gone well. Excessive use of exclamation marks for these is intentional, and possibly tongue-in-cheek, TBD.


  • Finished up some usual maintenance tasks for client, started dusting off an old staging server. Didn’t quite get the deployment in place due to needing log-ins, SSH keys and WordPress file permissions in place beforehand. Hit some syncing issue that meant ACF didn’t want to offer a sync option for fields, but worked around it by importing the field file, as it’s a whole new field group.
  • Followed up with various people to let them know about changes being applied. Lining up some background work to dig into 2FA logins which some people use and some don’t, but aware of how thorny login security can be still, in this day and age.
  • Got the Miiverse version of Pretendo working on a Wii U, so I can connect to random people and send weird sketches. Will see if I can export the data out some time. Initial impressions: Feels like a very, very niche social media platform. Oddly relaxing.
  • Had a quick coffee with the wife.


  • Exciting totally off-work-topic chat with, nice to have a bit of a no-pressure brainstorm session lined up instead of goal-focused time.
  • Get that deployment sorted out.
  • Move over to next client work which needs some time and attention.
  • … but also grab dinner and pick up son 2 from school?

I was going to start with the deployment, but I jumped into the Miiverse (the OG metaverse?) and did a Captain Toad doodle which I’m kind of proud of.

Also found this amazing 60s architect sketch of a brutalist design for St Patrick’s Cathedral in Rochdale, which was never used.

1960s architecture rough sketch of tall, brutalist buildings as a design for a catheral, with silhoutted figures in foreground. Text at bottom reads "perspective view looking at baptistery"